The rapid development of solar and wind power in Vietnam
Since 2017, many solar power and wind power projects have been implemented in Vietnam, marking the country as a bright spot on the world’s renewable energy map.With a high price for this type of energy (a feed-in tariff price of 2,086 VND/kWh for solar power, ...
Tam An
Measures proposed to remove obstacles to renewable energy projects
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has asked the prime minister for approval of several measures to lift impediments to existing renewable energy projects, and work out a mechanism for facilitation of such projects in the years to come.In recent years, renewable energy projects have ...
No more wind and solar power sources to be added this year
The Ministry of Industry and Trade will not add any more wind and solar power into this year’s plan, due to a lack of input facilities to transfer them to the national grid.According to the deputy director of the National Load Dispatch Center – Nguyễn ...
Wind power investors claim bankruptcy looms without incentive tariffs
Wind power companies said if the government does not extend the October 31, 2021 deadline for the incentive feed-in-tariff for the electricity they face the threat of bankruptcy.In a letter they sent recently to various government and National Assembly agencies, wind power developers sought to ...
Anh Minh
Vietnam considers building energy storage system
Since wind and solar power projects cannot provide all the electricity output to the national grid, building an energy storage system is being considered.According to the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN), the total designed capacity of renewable energy sources has reached 21,560 MW. Of this, the ...
Luong Bang
Roadmap recommended for offshore wind power development
Vietnam is capable of generating 10 GW of electricity by offshore wind farms by 2030, suggested studies carried out by the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) and the World Bank (WB).The suggestion was presented at a workshop on recommended roadmap and policy for Vietnam to tap ...
Vietnam’s wind sector to see growing opportunities
Experts forecast Vietnam’s wind power sector would further grow in line with the Government’s stronger regulatory support announced recently and rising investor interest, which has strengthened the project pipeline. The offshore wind sector was also emphasised under the National Energy Development Strategy of Viet Nam to ...
Massive investment in wind power plants could overload grid: experts
The rush to invest in wind energy to take advantage of the Government’s pricing incentives could lead to overloading of the national grid in a repeat of the solar scenario, experts warn.The Government announced a feed-in tariff (FIT) in 2011 for wind energy of 1,770 ...
Wind energy could grow 7% a year: experts
Viet Nam can achieve an average annual growth of 7 per cent in the wind energy sector over two decades (2016-2035), experts say. Keep reading ...
VietnamNet Reporter