
Funding opportunity – Final round of Aus4Innovation Partnership grants is now open

The second and final round of Aus4Innovation Partnership Grants under the theme “Scaling existing Australia–Vietnam Innovation Partnerships” is now open for applications with 2.32 million AUD funding available.Innovative ideas from existing Australia-Vietnam partnerships that enhance Vietnam’s Innovation Ecosystem to bring about long-term, sustainable societal impacts ...


VIBE Programme 2020 calls for concept notes

The Vietnam Ireland Bilateral Education Exchange (VIBE) Programme now opens for concept notes from Vietnamese universities, research institutes and vocational colleges for 2020 funding round. VIBE is an initiative of the Embassy of Ireland to facilitate education links between Ireland and Vietnam.Prioritised areas for the ...

Irish Embassy in Vietnam

The Fulbright Vietnamese Student Scholarship Program for academic year 2021-2022

 The U.S. Mission in Vietnam is pleased to announce the Fulbright Vietnamese Student Scholarship Program for academic year 2021-2022. Established in 1946 and funded by the U.S. government, the Fulbright Program aims at achieving mutual understanding through academic and cultural exchange. Who can apply? Competition is open ...

US Embassy in Vietnam

The Spring 2020 YSEALI Academic Fellowship

The U.S. Mission to Vietnam seeks candidates for the Spring 2020 Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academic Fellowship on civic engagement, environmental issues and natural resource management, and social entrepreneurship and economic development.Vietnamese citizens between the ages of 18 and 25, full-time undergraduate students ...

US Embassy in Vietnam

Policy recommendations to advocate for gender equality in ethnic minority groups in Viet Nam

“Policy recommendations to advocate for gender equality in ethnic minority groups in Viet Nam” is a policy brief developed by the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs and UN Women, with financial support from Irish Aid. It promotes effective implementation of policies to support development and ...

Irish Embassy in Vietnam

2020-2021 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program Call for Applications

The U.S. Mission in Vietnam is pleased to announce the 2020-2021 competition for the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program. The Humphrey Fellowship is a one-year, non-degree, full scholarship program offered to promising mid-career professionals who have a proven track record of leadership, and a strong commitment to public service. ...

US Embassy in Vietnam

VIBE Programme 2019 opens for concept notes

The Vietnam Ireland Bilateral Education Exchange (VIBE) Programme now opens for concept notes from Vietnamese universities, research institutes and vocational colleges for 2019 funding round.The Vietnam Ireland Bilateral Education Exchange (VIBE) is an initiative of the Embassy of Ireland under the Irish Development Experience Sharing ...

Fall 2019 YSEALI Professional Fellows Program

The U.S. Mission to Vietnam seeks candidates for the Fall 2019 Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academic Fellowship on civic engagement, environmental issues, and social entrepreneurship and economic development. Vietnamese citizens between the ages of 18 and 25, full-time undergraduate students or those who have graduated from ...

Fulbright Vietnamese Visiting Scholar Program 2020

The U.S. Mission in Vietnam seeks qualified candidates for the 2020 Fulbright Vietnamese Visiting Scholar Program (VSP).Eligibilities: Fulbright Vietnamese Visiting Scholar applicants must:hold an M.A. or Ph.D. degree,be a Vietnamese citizen, andbe proficient in English.Applicants should be university faculty, government officials, private sector professionals, work at ...

U.S. Embassy

Call for applications for visitors programme to Germany in 2019

The Germany Embassy in Hanoi as well as the German General Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City would like to call for applications for the following theme trip to Germany in 2019:Title: 56th Theatertreffen Berlin 2019Time frame: 6-12 MayDestinations: BerlinTarget group: Theatre critics, festival curators, ...

Deutsche Vertretungen VN

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