
Fulbright Vietnamese Visiting Scholar Program 2020

The U.S. Mission in Vietnam seeks qualified candidates for the 2020 Fulbright Vietnamese Visiting Scholar Program (VSP).Eligibilities: Fulbright Vietnamese Visiting Scholar applicants must:hold an M.A. or Ph.D. degree,be a Vietnamese citizen, andbe proficient in English.Applicants should be university faculty, government officials, private sector professionals, work at ...

U.S. Embassy

The Vietnamese people in 2018

A sociological survey by the Mekong Development Research Institute on more than 1,400 people aged above 18 and selected randomly nationwide describes the feelings and thoughts of Vietnamese people in 2019 as “Happiness, Optimism, Prejudice and Full of Faith”. More details ...


The 1st Vietnamese Young Intellectual Forum - VYI Forum 2018

The first Vietnamese Young Intellectual Forum will take place in the central city of Da Nang from November 27-29, with 200 Vietnamese intellectuals residing domestically and abroad taking part. Themed “Tapping the power of young Vietnamese intellectuals in the 4.0 era”, the forum will focus on ...

HCM Communist Youth Union

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