
VN to host Business Summit on sidelines of WEF ASEAN 2018

Within the framework of the WEF ASEAN 2018, the Viet Nam Business Summit will be held at Ha Noi’s National Convention Center on September 13 under the theme “Viet Nam: Trusted Partner – Innovative Connection”. The conference will focus on discussing Viet Nam’s role in the ...

Vien Nhu

Vietnam actively contributes to negotiations of regional economic pact

The 50th ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM-50) Meeting and Related Meetings, which freshly concluded in Singapore on September 1 after four days of working, is an important event in the context of rising global trade protectionism and unilateralisaiton.Regarding Vietnam’s contributions, Minister of Industry and Trade Tran ...

Health insurance ensures long-term treatment for HIV patients

Vietnam has expanded health insurance coverage among HIV patients taking ARV treatment to 83.4 percent at present from 50 percent in 2016, helping ensure that they can maintain long-term treatment in the context of decreasing international financial support for the field.Keep reading ...

Tech market needs links to grow

Combining knowledge and research results among scientists, institutes and business schools is key to developing the science and technology (S&T) market in Vietnam. This was one of the main points discussed at a forum held by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) recently.Keep reading   ...

New decree removes barriers for rice exporters

According to a new governmental decree, rice-exporting businesses will no longer be required to own rice storage, paddy milling and grinding facilities with processing capacities of 5,000 tonnes of rice and 10 tonnes of paddy per hour, respectively.The change comes thanks to a new Decree ...

UK shares experience in land registration with Vietnam

The United Kingdom’s experience in land registration and land information system (LIS) was shared at a seminar co-hosted by the Vietnam General Department of Land Administration and the British Embassy in Vietnam on August 31.Keep reading  ...

VN makes biotechnology progress

Việt Nam’s rapid progress in research and application of biotechnology in agriculture is contributing to the country’s goals for green growth and farmers’demands, according to experts. Biotech methods have been able to detect plant diseases rapidly, and have also been  used to create products that prevent ...

GMS countries implement ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution

The seventh ministerial meeting to coordinate the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries joining the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution took place in the central coastal city of Da Nang on August 29.Delegates discussed solutions and made important decisions related to forest fire management and ...

Screening needed to reduce birth defects in VN

Every 13 minutes a child is born with congenital anomalies in Vietnam, putting a burden on their families and the health sector as well as affecting the quality of the population.Screening and diagnosis of prenatal and neonatal diseases to provide timely intervention in the fetal ...

Vietnam wants to turn waste into alternative fuel for cement production

Up to 80 percent of the 15 million tons of domestic garbage from urban and rural areas every year is treated at landfills, while only 20 percent is incinerated or recycled.The PM last May approved the national strategy on solid waste management until 2025, emphasizing ...

Chi Mai

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