
Major cities grapple with garbage problem

Vietnam uses landfills but its cities are running out of space and people are unhappy with their pollution threat and, especially, odor. Urban areas around Vietnam, home to a third of its population, discard 38,000 tons of domestic waste every day, more than half of the country’s total.Keep ...

APEC workshop promotes innovative work skills in digital age

The workshop on “Innovative Skills for Inclusive Future of Work in the Digital Age” opened in Hanoi on July 18, gathering over 100 local and international speakers and delegates, including those from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies. It is initiated by Vietnam to follow up ...

Seminar talks national action programme on plastics in Vietnam

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment’s Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) held a meeting in Hanoi on July 17 to discuss the launch of a national action programme on plastics for Vietnam. The programme is based on the three pillars ...

Land inventory to be conducted nationwide

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has issued a directive on land inventory and mapping the current land use status in 2019. The inventory will clarify in detail the types of land for rice cultivation, production forest, protective forest, special-use forest, wetland area, natural and biodiversity conservation. The ...

Seminar discusses developing quality workforce

The Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS) and the Asian Development Bank held a seminar in Hanoi on July 17, discussing the development of high-quality workforce for Vietnam’s sustainable development.  Speaking at the event, Director of the project management board Nguyen Thi Hoai Le said Vietnam ...

Programme helps empower ethnic minority women via 4.0 technology

A conference was held in the northern province of Bac Kan on July 17 to connect ethnic minority women with partners under a programme supporting them to develop economic activities via Industry 4.0 technology. The programme, supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), will enable ...

Project to improve agricultural development policy in Mekong subregion

A workshop was held in Hanoi on July 16 to launch a regional project to improve cooperation in policy research, implementation and advocacy in agriculture and rural development in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. The project “Network for Agriculture and Rural Development Think-tanks for Countries in ...

Vietnam improves its position on Sustainable Development Goals

Vietnam is up three ranks on the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Index this year, moving ahead on several fronts. The country is ranked 54th among 162 countries and territories on the SDG Index, which tracks countries’ performances on achieving the 17 SDGs set by the United ...

Phan Anh

Vietnam’s coffee exports plummet as robusta prices fall

The sharp fall in export earnings was caused by the price of robusta coffee falling in London due to a global glut, with Vietnam getting the lowest rates of all exporters.The price is decided by rates fixed on global coffee trading floors at the time ...

Central Vietnam provinces writhe under probably most serious salt intrusion

Central Vietnam has been repeatedly battered by heatwaves and a shortage of rain since the beginning of summer, which resulted in serious drought and saltwater intrusion in many localities. The most serious effect of saltwater intrusion, when saline water moves into drinking or agricultural water ...

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