Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 3 Good health and well-being

UNFPA Executive Board approves its new Country Programme for Viet Nam 2022 – 2026, leaving no one behind for the achievement of SDGs by 2030

The Executive Board of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) approved the 10th country programme for Viet Nam in the amount of $26.5 million to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030, targeting those at risk of being left behind, including women and girls, adolescents ...

UNFPA Vietnam

Monitoring households and firms in Vietnam during COVID-19

In order to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on Vietnamese firms, the World Bank designed a Business Pulse Survey (BPS) to assess the various channels of impact of the pandemic on firms, their adjustment strategies, and public policy responses. The firm surveys are being collected ...

World Bank

Confronting COVID-19 second waves: How “big data for good” can inform policy in Vietnam
WB logo

Initially undertaking full-fledged national lockdowns, governments are increasingly seeking more selective and localized public health interventions. Notable amongst these countries are Australia (Melbourne), Spain (Cataluña), and China (Beijing) with their recent focus on highly targeted interventions. Can such an approach be effective in controlling the ...

UN Assessment on Economic Impacts of COVID-19 and strategic policy recommendations for Viet Nam

This report presents an assessment of the economic impact of the pandemic on vulnerable groups, households and enterprises based on information produced by the Government of Viet Nam, other international development partners and the United Nations agencies in Viet Nam. It is aimed at helping ...

UNDP Vietnam

Rapid assessment on the social and economic impacts of COVID-19 on children and families in Viet Nam

This rapid assessment is part of UNICEF Viet Nam’s comprehensive support to the Government of Viet Nam to inform its policy-making in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of children and their families negatively and positively through multiple socio-economic dimensions. ...

UNICEF Vietnam

Summary Report: Covid-19 socio-economic impact on vulnerable households and enterprises in Viet Nam: a gender-sensitive assessment

With the aim of helping to inform the Government of Viet Nam’s response and recovery to COVID-19, UNDP and UN Women in Viet Nam commissioned a report “COVID-19 Impact on Vulnerable Households and Enterprises in Viet Nam: A Gender-sensitive Assessment” (RIM-2020). The report is evidence-based ...

UNDP Vietnam

CSIP announced survey report “Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on social impact-generating enterprises”

The survey report “Impacts of the Covid-19 epidemic on social enterprises and support needs assessment” synthesized by CSIP after surveying 78 social impact-generating enterprises and online interviews with some social enterprises on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.The report provides:– Key findings of the survey: ...


The opening ceremony of "Feel the Air" photo exhibition

The event, jointly organized by the Center of Hands-on Actions and Networking for Growth and Environment (CHANGE) and the German Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, aims to raise public awareness about air pollution and encourages Vietnamese to be part of the solution and speak ...

7 Days Sustain-Ability Challenge

The Embassy of Sweden together with the United Nations (UN) in Viet Nam and Live&Learn launched an initiative called “The 7 Day Challenge” at the Green One UN House in Ha Noi on April 10.The campaign is challenging as many Vietnamese as possible to live, ...


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