
    Facebook joins MRC to raise awareness about flood, drought

    The Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat and Facebook on August 31 launched a collaboration initiative to provide early flood alert and drought monitoring information to riparian communities and governments in the Lower Mekong region.The collaboration, the first of its kind, aims to raise awareness among ...

    EU, France back Vietnam in fight against climate change

    The European Union and the French Development Agency (AFD) have established a 20-million-euro ($21.5 million) fund to help Vietnam deal with climate change.The EU will provide the money as a non-refundable grant to the AFD to run the fund. The latter will in turn provide loans ...

    Nguyen Quy

    Combination of factors causes extreme weather: experts

    A combination of bad factors, plus cold air mass and convergence of winds at a height of 5,000 meters, have caused extreme weather phenomena, including large hail and the 50-year historic cold spell on April 22-23. The National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasting believes that the 2020 ...

    Le Ha

    Mekong-Lancang cooperation contributes to addressing regional challenges

    Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Phạm Bình Minh said at the fifth MLC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Vientiane, Laos on Thursday that the Mekong-Lancang cooperation (MLC) should contribute to consolidating coordination between countries in handling regional challenges and bringing about long-term benefits for ...

    Vietnam ranks sixth in Global Climate Risk Index

    According to the Global Climate Risk Index 2020 (CRI) report announced at the ongoing 25th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Madrid, Spain, Vietnam has worsened from 9th spot in the CRI 2019, which reviewed 1998 to 2017, to 6th in ...

    Mekong Delta’s sea level rise alarming: US professor

    Rising sea levels and saltwater intrusion in the Mekong Delta are becoming alarming, said Prof. David Dapice, Senior Economist, Vietnam and Myanmar Programme, Harvard Kennedy School, at a meeting with leaders of Can Tho city on October 8.Dapice said a study released by Utrecht University ...

    Workshop discusses impacts of climate change on economic development

    Experts discussed the impacts of climate change on economic development in Vietnam using the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model at an international workshop at the Foreign Trade University (FTU) on September 30.CGE is an economic model that uses actual economic data to estimate how an ...

    Workshop discusses climate change in Vietnam, Taiwan

    An international workshop, titled ‘Climate Change and Agriculture: Status, Impact, Adaptation, Insurance in Vietnam and Taiwan’ has been held in Hanoi. The workshop announced an important product of the project – an English monograph titled “Climate Change and Agriculture: Status, Impact, Adaptation, Insurance in the Mekong ...

    Vietnam Coalition for Climate Action debuts

    The Vietnam Coalition for Climate Action (VCCA) made its debut at a ceremony held in Hue city on August 21 by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) – Vietnam and the Green Innovation and Development Centre (GreenID).VCCA has attracted the participation of 12 businesses, ...

    US$2.9 million funded to build resilience to natural hazards in central Vietnam

    A workshop was held in Quang Tri province, on July 24, to kick start the third phase of the ‘Building resilience to natural hazards in Central Vietnam’ project. With a budget of roughly US$2.9 million, the third phase of the project is being implemented in 20 ...

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