Social development

Maternal, child health care – evidence of ensuring human rights in Vietnam

The cause of reproductive health care and health care for mothers and children – who are vulnerable but play a decisive role in the country’s future development – has gained many important achievements, which have been recognised and acknowledged by the international community. This is ...

Vietnam calls for cooperation in protection, use of transboundary water resources

Vietnam, Slovenia, Switzerland, several other United Nations (UN) member states and international organisations on May 23 jointly organised an event on preventing attacks on water resources in armed conflicts and enhancing civilian protection.Held within the UN Protection of Civilians Week, the event saw many representatives ...

Vietnam invests in healthcare system for aging population

After publishing articles on care for the elderly with inadequacies in health care and medical examination and treatment for the aging population, SGGP Newspaper had an interview with Deputy Minister of Health Prof. Tran Van Thuan.Deputy Minister of Health Prof. Tran Van Thuan said that ...

Handbook seeks to enhance legal communications for minors

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) in collaboration with the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) held a consultation seminar on handbook for legal communicators on prevention of minors in conflict with the law in Hanoi on May 14.The handbook comprises five ...

Project promotes gender equality among Bru-Van Kieu ethnic community

A workshop was held in the central province of Quang Binh on May 10 to introduce a project to improve access to vocational training to enhance the quality of human resources and economic empowerment, contributing to promoting gender equality for local women and female students ...

Learners in a state of anxiety as tuition fees keep escalating

Learners can’t help feeling worried about tuition fees when looking at the current tuition fees at autonomous public universities.Present tuition fees are not only many times higher than those of non-autonomous schools, but also between training systems, especially high quality training programs, tuition is double ...

Translated by Anh Quan

HCMC becomes member of UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities

Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee last night held a ceremony to receive the certificate of membership in the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities at the square in front of Saigon Opera House.UNESCO’s representative said that Ho Chi Minh City has many favorable conditions ...

Translated By Anh Quan

ASEAN guidance on empowering women, children launched

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA), in collaboration with United Nations offices in Vietnam, on March 28 held a public launch of the ASEAN Regional Guidance on empowering women and children: Delivering quality social work services for those at risk of or ...

Vietnam eats forests by planting large timber forests to sell carbon credits

In the story ‘We Have Eaten The Forest’ of a Montagnard village in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, ethnologist Georges Condominas tells about the ancient way of ‘eating the forest’, which is to preserve the forest culturally. Nowadays, the descendants of characters in the story ...

Indigenous knowledge of forest turned into profit

Scientists assess that indigenous knowledge and forest resources along the Truong Son mountain range are significantly potential for its development if utilized properly. Moreover, today’s youth are also becoming interested in the indigenous knowledge when visiting forests, thereby spreading the message of forest protection further.As ...

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