Gaps remains in State budget disclosure policy, implementation: Research
The legal provisions related to State budget disclosure, accountability and people’s participation in state management and the budget cycles are relatively complete, but there is still a number of gaps between legal documents and their actual implementation, according to research on the policies of State ...
Open Budget Portal makes debut
The Ministry of Finance on August 26 officially launched the Open Budget Portal, a key to a transparent and accountable future.For the people, businesses, researchers and international and domestic originations, the portal is regarded as a channel to provide essential data and information relevant to ...
Thuy Dung
Vietnam sees greater budget transparency
Vietnam’s Open Budget Index (OBI) increased rapidly in 2019 compared to 2018, according to a survey released on July 1. Conducted by the International Budget Partnership (IBP) and announced globally and in Vietnam for the seventh time, the Open Budget Survey showed that Vietnam had advanced in ...
Vietnam: CPI 2019 score is up but corruption remains serious
Transparency International (TI) launched the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2019 on 23 January 2020, ranking 180 countries and territories based on business people and country experts’ perception of corruption in the public sector in those countries/territories.This year, Vietnam scored 37/100, up by 4 points compared to ...
Toward Transparency VN