National environmental protection planning project for 2021 – 2030 adopted

Deputy Prime Minister Trần Hồng Hà has signed a decision approving the national environmental protection planning project for the 2021 – 2030 period, with a vision to 2050.

The planning project’s objectives are to proactively prevent and control environmental pollution and degradation; to restore and improve environmental quality; and to prevent decline and enhance biodiversity in order to ensure the people’s right to live in a healthy environment on the basis of rational spatial arrangement and management zoning of environmental quality.

It also aims to direct the establishment of nature reserves and biodiversity conservation areas; form centralised waste treatment zones at the national, regional, and provincial levels; orient the development of national and provincial environmental monitoring and warning networks; and promote sustainable socio-economic development towards green economy, circular economy and low-carbon economy, which is harmonious with nature, and environmentally friendly, and actively responds to climate change.

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