‘Green transformation is vital, businesses have to fight’: experts

Besides active moves from the Government to promote green transition, the need to change public awareness and accelerate green transformation is considered a vital factor for Vietnamese businesses if they don’t want to be left behind.

Sustainable development has become a top goal of many countries. At the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26), the Vietnamese Prime Minister made strong commitments to achieve Net Zero by 2050. After that, the Government directed ministries and agencies to urgently research and develop programs and plans to implement commitments on climate change and emission reduction.

Ms. Bui Thu Thuy, Deputy Director of the Department of Enterprise Development under the Ministry of Planning and Investment, said: “We have had macro aspects such as national plans, national strategies, and orientations. However, at the level of the Government’s action program, each ministry, sector, and business must see what must be done in that ‘picture’.”

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Hanh Nguyen