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Comments on the compilation of the title: Vietnam - Languages

The name of a language and the name of a nation are within the scope of the study of the name (onomastics). The name of a language is often associated with the name of a nation (or ethnonyme). A language can be used in many different countries (English, French, Spanish, etc.) and a nation can use languages other than its mother tongue as the official language. , language of work, common language ... especially in the context of a multi-ethnic community (such as Vietnamese is used as "common language" for the community of ethnic groups in Vietnam). Classification - cataloging document in a library, in any way, it will also has the heading Language. Having the opportunity to read the Vietnamese translation (by Pham Thi Le Huong) with the title "Vietnam" in the title of the Library of Congress item (by Thomas Mann), the authors would like to give some comments for Table 3 , for Vietnam - Languages, which is first of all, we would like to replace “those” by “s” and translated as Vietnam - Languages. Hereby, would like to contribute a specific part to the work Set the topic & Title Frame compilation that the library industry is making.

Data Resources (1)

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Additional Info

Field Value
Document type Reports, journal articles, and research papers (including theses and dissertations)
Language of document
  • Vietnamese
  • Censuses
  • Population
  • Population and censuses
Geographic area (spatial range)
  • Viet Nam
Copyright Yes
Version / Edition 1
License unspecified

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vuong Toan, Professional Dept., Institute of Social Sciences Information

Author (individual) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vuong Toan
Publisher Library of Natural Sciences University - Ho Chi Minh City
Publication date 2008
Pagination 12
Keywords tiêu đề đề mục,Việt Nam - các ngôn ngữ,title headline,Vietnamese - languages
Date uploaded November 12, 2018, 9:10 AM (UTC+00:00)
Date modified December 21, 2018, 2:28 AM (UTC+00:00)